Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Strange things happening in the home

Strange things happening in the home experiences


Strange things happening in the home : almost two years ago something strange happened to me too, those are my experiences, in my home I have a small radio from the Holy Rosary, it’s a heirloom from my late mother in law; during that time my grandfather was ill, I was walking past a cabinet and I heard the Holy Mary prayer being sung; at first I could not understand where the noise was coming from, then I opened the cabinet drawer and it was the radio, somehow it was switched on and it was broadcasting the Holy Mary prayer.


I feel it was a sign of the closeness of my mother-in-law, from the Sky


Strange things happening in the home experiences is the testimonial from Rosaria


Strange things happening in the home


Strange things happening


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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